Course: Coach the Coach
Coach the Coach prepares the “managers of managers” at your financial institution to mentor their direct reports and ensure that their coaching sessions are focused on the activities and behaviors most likely to enhance the customer experience and improve their teams’ results.
Coach the Coach begins with a short (1- to 2-hour) eLearning course that examines the importance of:
- Connecting coaching to your financial institution’s strategy
- Developing action plans based on coaching sessions with direct reports
- Auditing action plans that direct reports develop during their coaching sessions with customer-facing employees
- Observing direct reports in action during their coaching sessions with customer-facing employees
Participants are also introduced to the Coaching Style Continuum, which helps them diagnose whether their current coaching style is “too easy,” “too hard,” or falls within the ideal “collaborative” zone. They also learn how to identify where on the continuum each of their direct reports falls, and what they can do to help them achieve a collaborative coaching style.
Following completion of the eLearning course, participants attend Coach the Coach: Skills Application Lab, a one-day, facilitator-led training event during which they gain real-world experience applying newly learned techniques.
Prior to the skills application lab, participants are asked to observe one of their direct report’s coaching sessions, determine where on the Coaching Style Continuum the direct report’s coaching style falls, and create an action plan for the direct report based on their observation. During the skills application lab, participants actively refer to, learn from, and build upon the unique information they have gathered.
The day culminates in a live, audio-recorded coaching session with the direct report they have observed, after which each participant receives detailed balanced feedback from an Omega Performance coaching expert.
Product Card
Download the Coach the Coach brochure to learn more about this course.